Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Accidental Lentil Loaf!


This is not part of the recipe challenge, but it actually turned out pretty good so I wanted to share.

I made this:

Except I really didn’t. I took the ingredients and plopped them into a loaf pan rather than making patties and baked it instead of frying it in a pan. Because I am lazy. HOWEVER it turned out REALLY GOOD so it’s ok!

This is what I did differently. The onion and carrots were blended in a food processor rather than grated (lazy). I combined everything in the bowl like it said, then baked it in a greased loaf pan at 350F/176C/Gas Mark 4 for 30 minutes covered nice and snug in foil. Then, baked an additional 15 minutes uncovered for full loafability.

See? Totally loafable.
Lentils are awesome. The fact this was made with them gave it a very savory flavor and hearty texture. Like meat, but not like meat at all. Yet, like meat a little (and also not).

Actually, if you haven’t eaten meat in a while and are thinking some sort of meaty-like loaf sounds delicious, you would really like this. If you regularly eat meat, this will be a new and exciting adventure, and one you may enjoy. Because, you know, lentils. 

I made some green beans with sea salt and black pepper to go with my loaf. Also I added ketchup. Everything is better with ketchup.

Totally not meatloaf - YET IT IS SOMEHOW.
It was GOOD. I had two pieces it was that good. Definitely worth a repeat!

The next recipe challenge post should be up by 1/15, by the way.


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